Established in 2020 by Carla Fuller and Faye Loren from East London, The Spiritual School is a result of their shared journey through personal challenges. Despite crossing paths in their youth, a deeper connection formed later in life. Carla’s healing journey, starting with a 2015 Reiki course, took an unexpected turn after a traumatic event. Seeking help from an intuitive healer, she discovered a new dimension to healing through her intuitive channels.

Inspired by her transformation, Carla explored this newfound healing approach further, offering sessions to Faye, initially reliant on religious convictions. Positive changes ensued, paving the way for The Spiritual School. Recognizing everyone’s potential to heal, Carla and Faye initiated free groups, fostering growth and unique abilities in their students. The school evolved into a thriving institution, offering day retreats, mental health programs, and personalized channeled meditations.

Currently overseen by Carla and Faye, The Spiritual School’s vision extends beyond creating a community of healers. It aims to cultivate a team of trained professionals capable of leading retreats, hosting online meditation groups, and expanding nationally and internationally. Layla Saleh, a former student and Managing Director, exemplifies the success and impact of the school’s holistic approach.


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